When you are ready to apply to one or more SCALE master's programs, use the apply.mit.edu system to create a user and start your application.

Apply to SCALE MASTER'S programs  

NOTE: The Malaysia Institute for Supply Chain Innovation (MISI) is
not accepting applications for the 2023-24 academic year.

All candidates must apply online. Below you will find information on the supplemental documents needed to complete your application. Please read through it carefully and note that some requirements vary for residential and blended program applicants.

If you have questions on the application process or any of the requirements, email us and we'll be happy to help.

For additional information on a SCALE Network partner admission requirements or waivers, you may also visit the program pages on the centers' web sites:

Residential Master's Programs:

MIT  |  Zaragoza  |  Luxembourg  | China  | Loughborough (coming soon)

Blended/Accelerated Programs:

MIT SCMb Blended Program  |  Zaragoza ZLOGb Blended Program  


Requirements for SCALE Master's Application


  • SC0x or GMAT/GRE (Residential applicants only)
    • SC0x - Supply Chain Analytics - Applicants to the residential master's programs are encouraged to complete SC0x - Supply Chain Analytics as a verified learner. In order to satisfy this admissions requirement with SC0x, applicants must earn an 85% or higher in the course. Please note, your score in this course is one factor considered by the admissions committee. Even a 100% does not guarantee admission. Please use the following link to register: https://www.edx.org/course/supply-chain-analytics. Additionally, please send your MITx MicroMasters in SCM program record to our admissions office from your edX dashboard following these instructions: https://support.edx.org/hc/en-us/articles/360004623154 
    • GMAT or GRE Test – Applicants can opt to use the GMAT or GRE in lieu of completing SC0x if preferred. Most successfully admitted applicants achieve or surpass the following scores: V75%, Q75%, AW50%. However, submission of lesser scores will not automatically disqualify you from being reviewed by the admissions committee. Similarly to SC0x, no scores will guarantee admission. Please use the following codes: GMAT code:X5X-DS-95 and GRE Institute code: 3514, Department code: 4313
  • IELTS/TOEFL (All applicants as applicable)
    Applicants from non-English-speaking nations must also offer evidence of written and oral proficiency in the English language by taking the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) or the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL).

    To request a waiver (directly in the online application), you must have received an undergraduate degree or advanced degree from an English-speaking college or university.
  • Resumé (All applicants)
    Relevant work experience weighs heavily in SCALE admissions decisions. Therefore, we require every applicant to supply us with a current résumé. The résumé should be in the standard format, including academic degree information with GPA information following each degree.
  • Transcripts (All applicants)
    You may upload unofficial transcripts as part of your application for admission. If you are admitted to a program, you will be asked to provide official copies of all undergraduate and graduate programs you have participated in to date.
  • Statement of Objectives (Residential applicants only)
    Please craft a statement of objectives that addresses the questions below.  Please structure your response as a short essay, weaving all prompts into a cohesive written statement.  Please limit your response to 500 words or less.
    - Why should we admit you to the master’s program
    - Explain your short-term (year after graduation) and long-term professional goals.
    - How do you expect to contribute to the program community?
    - What else would you like the admissions committee to know about you as they consider your candidacy?
    The statement should describe how you think, see and feel about the world and your professional objectives. You should set forth the issues or problems you want to address during your studies and the setting where you eventually see yourself working professionally. Your honors, extracurricular activities, and other experiences can be integrated into your Statement of Objectives, telling us how and why you have done relates to what you propose to study at MIT and what you plan to do professionally in the future. Do not re-create your CV or resume.
  • Proposed Research Project (Blended applicants only)
    1. Describe the problem, including what industries, markets, products, geographies, processes, etc. are involved.
    2. What organization or kind of organization will you seek to partner with you on this research project?
    3. How do you propose to gain the cooperation of this kind of organization?
    4. What methodology would you use to study this problem?
    5. What types of data will you need to perform this project?
    6. How do you propose to obtain the data you need for this project?
    7. If accepted, what pre-work can you do before coming to campus?
    8. Can you complete this project in 4 ½ months?
  • Recommendations (All applicants)
    You must provide two recommendations from people capable of judging your professional and/or academic promise (i.e., supervisor, professor). Because our admissions committee focuses on work experience, we urge applicants to provide at least one letter of recommendation from their professional experience and a second from either their professional experience or academic experience.

    Please check the box under Waive if you wish to waive any rights you might have to inspect and review the recommendation. Once the letter writer sees that you have waived, you cannot later un-waive.

    After you have entered the information about your recommenders and saved it, visit Letter Status to request letters from your recommenders.

    Recommenders must complete a program-specific evaluation form. When you apply online, you will send a request to your recommenders to complete and submit this form electronically. We do not want to receive a simple letter from them. If your recommenders choose not to complete the form electronically, you may request a paper form at the program admissions office for the Center you are applying to.

    *For paper recommendations only: each recommendation should be sealed in its own envelope by the evaluator and mailed directly to the program admissions office for the Center you are applying to.
  • Video Statement (All applicants)
    Please record a video statement 2 minutes in length. Your video should serve as a personal introduction to the admissions committee.  This is open-ended, so please use this as an opportunity to authentically demonstrate your professionalism and personality.  Feel free to interweave personal experiences and professional accomplishments to help tell your story. There are no express content or format requirements, but we recommend not reading from a script.

    Video Tips and Guidelines:

    • Use a phone or webcam to record your video – there is no need for a professional production company or subtitles
    • Provide us with a link to the video (e.g., YouTube, Vimeo) in the URL field on the application form. Make sure the link is not private and will not expire for the duration of the admissions cycle so that admissions committee members can access it.
    • Make sure we can hear and see you clearly – do not include music, and ensure adequate lighting. Consider your surroundings. Whether indoors or outside, make sure your video is free of distractions.
    • Be yourself – avoid over-editing or reading a script. We just want you to talk to us, relax, and smile!


Apply to SCALE MASTER'S programs