Bogota, Colombia

In 2008, LOGYCA / RESEARCH signed an agreement with the MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics (MIT CTL) to create the Center for Latin-American Logistics Innovation as part of the MIT Global SCALE Network of supply chain research centers. Through this partnership, the MIT Global SCALE Network has developed a vibrant academic and research network throughout Latin America and the Caribbean.

The Center for Latin-American Logistics Innovation has three essential components that make it the excellence center for global and regional leaders:

An integral part of CLI activities in the region includes collaboration with corporate partners. To date, CLI has 13 corporate strategic partners. Most of these enterprises are headquartered in Colombia, but operate in four or five countries in the region. 


MIT CTL Supply Chain Management Certificate Program:

Graduate Certificate in Logistics and Supply Chain Management (GCLOG)
A hybrid program combining online study with two 3-week residencies on the MIT campus, a 5-month industry-related capstone project and remote courses.
Open to students pursuing graduate degrees at any Latin American and Caribbean university. Leads to the Graduate Certificate in Logistics and Supply Chain Management awarded by the MIT Global SCALE Network.


CLI conducts research in the following areas:

  • Efficient operations in value networks
  • Retail operations and consumer evolution
  • Data-driven decision making and emerging technologies
  • Sustainability in value networks
  • Logistics public policymaking
  • Collaboration in value networks

MIT SCALE Latin America and the Caribbean Conferences

Take a look at the proceedings of the four MIT SCALE Latin America and the Caribbean Conferences below:

Proceedings of the Conference of 2016

Proceedings of the Conference of 2018

Proceedings of the Conference of 2020-2021

Faculty and Researchers

Daniel Prato Sánchez

Daniel Prato Sánchez

Research Manager

Katherin Paola López Rodríguez

Katherin Paola López Rodríguez

Research Specialist

Paola Andrea Martínez Bravo

Paola Andrea Martínez Bravo

Research Specialist

Merian Chica Otalvaro headshot

Merian Chica Otalvaro

Junior Researcher, CLI

Oscar Nieto Garzón

Oscar Nieto Garzón

Research Specialist

Juan Camilo Munera Arenas

Juan Camilo Munera Arenas

Junior Researcher

Staff photo Cesar Becerra

Cesar Becerra

Executive Manager, CLI

Staff photo Andres Cardenas

Andres Felipe Cardenas

Research Project Manager, CLI

Staff photo Diego Gutierrez

Diego Felipe Gutierrez Rubiano

Junior Researcher, CLI

Staff photo Hugo Herrera

Hugo Camilo Herrera

Junior Researcher, CLI

Staff photo Juan Carlos Martinez

Juan Carlos Martinez

Data Scientist, CLI

Chris Mejía Argueta

Chris Mejía Argueta

Director, MIT SCALE Network for Latin America and the Caribbean
Director, MIT Graduate Certificate in Logistics and SCM (GCLOG) program
Founder & Director, MIT Emerging Market Economies Logistics Lab (EMeL), formerly the Food and Retail Operations Lab

Staff photo Juan David Suárez

Juan David Suárez

Scientific Coordinator, CLI

Oscar Velasquez

Oscar Velasquez

Research Leader


Publications by center

Evidence of Chaos in a Routine Watchstanding Task

Authors: D.Kern; W. Karwowski; EG Franco; A. Murata.

Research into human performance on naval ships often emphasizes the significance of shaping factors, such as vigilance, fatigue and circadian rhythm. However, few report on the presence of complex nonlinear dynamics and fractal dimensionality. This study examines over 7000 routine topside security checks on a U.S. Navy Destroyer performed over a twelve-month period. Published on Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology, and Life Sciences; Read more...


Eco-driving key factors that influence fuel consumption in heavy-truck fleets: A Colombian case

Authors: Jenny Díaz-Ramirez, Nicolas Giraldo-Peralta, Daniela Flórez-Ceron, Vivian Rangel, Christopher Mejía Argueta, José Ignacio Huertas, Mario Bernale.

This research identifies key variables that influence fuel consumption that might be improved through eco-driving training programs under three circumstances that have been scarcely studied before: (a) heavy- and medium-duty truck fleets, (b) long-distance freight transport, and (c) the Latin American region. Read more on Science Direct


Coordination scheme analysis for unloading processes, in large stores, based in discrete events models

Authors: Mateo Pachón Rincón, Juan David Suárez Moreno, Jorge Eduardo Ortiz Triviño.

In Bogota (Colombia) an issue related with the use of public infrastructure for goods loading and unloading activities is presented. It is frequently seen on the streets, even in large avenues, long queues of trucks waiting to be attended by department stores.  This paper presents the assessment of coordination scheme as a management alternative for the loading and unloading activities in Bogota city.

Corporate Partners

Colombina logo
Unilever logo
Alpina logo
Carvajal logo
Logyca logo
Suppla logo
Seguros Bolivar logo
Groupo Exito logo
Team logo
Corona logo
Nutresa logo