Students in the MIT-SCALE master’s programs received their degrees at commencement ceremonies on four continents in late May and early June, 2019.
In Ningbo, China, NSCIIC’s first graduating class received their MBA degrees from Ningbo University, along with certificates for completion of the MIT-SCALE SCM curriculum, presented by Yossi Sheffi, Director of MIT's Center for Transportation and Logistics and founder of MIT's SCM program and the SCALE Global Network. Sheffi also traveled to Spain, Malaysia, and Luxembourg to present SCALE certificates to graduates receiving master’s degrees in Supply Chain Management through ZLC, MISI, and LCL, while back in Cambridge, MA, SCM students in CTL’s residential and blended SCM programs received their master’s degrees at MIT.
We are immensely proud of our collective, global class of 2019, and look forward to the positive impact these new alumni will have on the supply chain field, and on the world.
- Read more about commencement ceremonies NSCIIC
- See remarks from SCM program directors at MIT CTL
- Watch video of ZLC’s commencement ceremony
- Learn more about MIT-SCALE master’s programs in supply chain management.