How is the war in Ukraine impacting the global supply chain?

The Russia-Ukraine war is having an outsized impact on the global supply chain, impeding the flow of goods, fueling dramatic cost increases and product shortages, and creating catastrophic food shortages around the world, according to experts at a virtual symposium hosted by the MIT Center for Transportation and Logistics.

The upheaval to the supply and demand of goods is exacerbating the already untenable human toll of the conflict, which shows no signs of abating.

CTL@50 Presents: 15th Annual MIT Global Supply Chain Excellence Network Student Expo

Our annual SCALE student Expo previews nearly 100 industry-sponsored research projects conducted by supply chain students at MIT CTL and the international centers in the global Supply Chain and Logistics Excellence (SCALE) network. The Expo showcases this research-in-progress on a broad range of future-forward topics and provides an exclusive glimpse at what the final findings will reveal in May.

Students Pitch Business Ideas to "Sharks" in Entrepreneurship Challenge

The 2022 SCALE Connect conference ended in a whirlwind of group project presentations and awards ceremonies. One of the team-based challenges of the conference is the annual entrepreneurial challenge competition: a product development and pitch challenge sponsored by the ASCM Massachusetts Minuteman chapter, in the style of the hit TV show "Shark Tank". Randomly assigned student teams propose and pitch solutions to problems on the UN Global Issues List.

Students Compete and Deliver Solutions to Companies in Supply Chain Challenge

Graduate supply chain management students from the MIT Global Supply Chain and Logistics Excellence (SCALE) Network put their heads together last month to find solutions to real-world supply chain problems in the second annual MIT Supply Chain Challenge.

Each team had 14 days from receiving its data set to come up with an innovative, feasible, and effective solution to present to the sponsor company. 

MISI – PhD Winter Academy

The PhD Winter Academy at the Malaysia Institute for Supply Chain Innovation is an intense period of learning, discovering, and debating new research in operations and supply chain management for current doctoral students and junior faculty. It is also a great opportunity to network and explore the Kuala Lumpur area.

This is the fourth PhD Winter Academy to be held at MISI, and it includes a group of distinguished professors from prestigious academic institutions taking part. Each of them will lead several sessions on topics in their respective areas of expertise. This year's session leaders are Prof. Elena Katok (University of Texas at Dallas), Prof. Constantine Blome (University of Sussex), and Prof. Yaozhong Wu (National University of Singapore).

Applications are due by December 31, 2019. For more information, including a full program schedule, please visit the MISI website.

Tuition Fee: 250 MYR not including travel and accommodation

2020–2021 MIT SCALE Latin America Conference

We’re excited to announce that the MIT SCALE Latin America Conference will be held virtually in 2021. Now, you can join from anywhere in the world to review over 100 presentations from top academics from across Latin America and the Caribbean and participate in three keynote virtual plenary sessions. 

The MIT Latin American SCALE Network is an alliance of leading-edge research, education, and outreach organizations dedicated to the development and dissemination of innovative supply chain and logistics research in Latin America. The network helps companies, governments, and organizations to compete in an increasingly complex business environment and engage academia, students, and partners to collaborate on projects that have an in-depth economic, societal, and environmental impact. 

As part of the mission of the SCALE Latin America Network, we invite you to participate in the 2020-2021 MIT SCALE Latin America Conference to be hosted remotely on March 21-26, 2021. Organized by the MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics (CTL) in collaboration with the Center for Latin-American Logistics Innovation (CLI). The main goal of the conference is to provide a forum for sharing high-impact educational and research in logistics and supply chain management relevant to Latin America. 

For more detailed information on SCALE LatAm, please visit the official conference webpage.

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